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🧾 Methods To Fake your Own Death ⚱ with Fake Obituary

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This page is going to show you how to create a fake obituary.

Usually a fake obituary is created for the purpose of getting rid of someone in your life who won't leave you alone and is harassing. By faking your own death, they will think you are dead and leave you alone.

🧾 Methods To Fake your Own Death ⚱ with Fake Obituary

Why would anyone want to create a fake obituary? From personal experience, I actually created my fake obituary to get rid of a girl name Alissa Longo of CT who was a pest and went so far as to threatening to harass my family when she would get upset with me.

Click here to order a fake obituary.

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By creating my own fake obituary, the whole town thought I was deceased in a matter of just a couple of days, including Alissa. Creating my fake obituary was actually a whole lot easier than I ever imagined and no official documentation of my death, like a death certificate, was ever required to create my own fake obituary online.

Possible reasons to fake your death with a fake obituary include:

Creating a Fake Obituary for Yourself is NOT Illegal

I get asked this one a lot. Creating a fake obituary for yourself to make it appear to people you have died is NOT illegal. Faking your own death only becomes an issue if you are creating a fake obituary in an attempt to evade the law or avoid income taxes or something like that. We have checked this out with the police department to be 100% sure.

Buy Fake Obituary Service from Us

For just $29, we can create a fake obituary for you which will appear in all the search engines in a matter of days. We will submit the obituary to the list of places to create an obituary below. The entire process will take 2- 3 days and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You can see the example of the fake obituary I created for myself by searching Google for evan toder torrington ct obituary.

Click here to buy a fake obituary.

How and Where to Create Fake Obituary Online

Here is a list of places you can use to create a fake obituary of anyone you wish. These are the exact places we will create and post the fake obituary if you choose to buy fake obituary service from us.

The following are also online obituary websites but they are less recommended either because they are not free or for one reason or another (see comment next to each listing) they are a pain to use for creating an online obituary

After we finish publishing your obituary at the above obituary websites, we take the extra step of pinging the url/web address of each obituary page created. This immediately notifies all the search engines of the newly published obituary pages so they show up in internet search results quickly, days instead of weeks.

Whether you are planning to buy a fake obituary from us or create your own fake obituary, you will be surprised and shocked at just how easy it is.


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