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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Tutorial About Instructions: Search by Channel Name YouTube 📽
00:01 In this video I am going to show you can search for a specific channel or username, several different methods to search YouTube for someone by username.
00:09 If you already know the username or part of the username of a person enter that username in the YouTube search box which is located at the top of every page of You will see all the videos that match that username. If you find one you're interested in, look just under the video headline. You will see the video uploads username in much smaller text that is a hyperlink. Click it and you will be taken to the channel of that YouTube member.
00:38 A second method of finding a channel of a specific user on YouTube is if you enjoy one or more of the videos of a user and you want to see more the videos of that person, one the page of one of that users videos, just underneath the video you will see the username which will be a link. Click that link and you'll be taken to that person's Channel. If you want to see ALL the videos that user/channel has uploaded to YouTube, towards the top of the page you will see row of links/tabs ... HOME VIDEOS PLAYLISTS COMMUNITY
... click on this link that reads VIDEOS and you will be shown all of them.
01:09 If you have the Viral YouTube Soft program. go to the View Competition tab. You can enter the username there and it will display videos by that person so you can just double click on any of these video urls and it will take you to that video of that user. When you are on the video page, just under the video title will be the link text, in much smaller font, of the user that uploaded that video. Clicking on that link will take you to their channel.
01:37 This YouTube username search tool that allows you to search many different websites including YouTube. Enter a username. Anything that matches or partially matches what you entered comes right up. The great thing about this free tool is that allows you to search a lot of other social channels including dating sites.
02:11 Go to Google search. In the search box enter USERNAME
obviously replacing USERNAME
with the username you want to search for on YouTube.