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How to Stop Frost 🧊 on Windscreen

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How to Prevent Frost on Windscreen

The method in the video above can be used in exactly the same way to prevent frost on a windscreen, even though the video specifically targets the windows of a car or home.

Preventing or stopping frost on a windscreen, including a car windscreen is extremely simple, fast and easy.

  1. Take a spray bottle and fill it with a mixture of hand sanitizer and water. Generally a ratio of about 50/50 is fine depending upon how low a temperature you expect the windscreen to experience. If you expect temperatures to be below 0 degrees then increase the amount of hand sanitizer slightly.
  2. Spray the windscreen with a light coating of the water/hand sanitizer mixture.
  3. If the windscreen already has a certain accumulation of frost or ice in it you may wish to spray a more liberal coating of the anti-frost mixture on the windscreen.
Prevent Frost on Windscreen Mixture Hand Sanitizer & Water In Spray Bottle
Image of Prevent Frost on Windscreen Mixture Hand Sanitizer Water In Spray Bottle.
Prevent Frost on Windscreen Mixture Hand Sanitizer & Water In Spray Bottle

That is all there is to it! This frost prevention mixture can also be used to prevent frost on the windows of your home and car windshield.


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