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🎬 Video Instructions About Best Tags Related to Beauty Gurus 💅

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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Instructions About Best Tags Related to Beauty Gurus 💅

00:01 In this video I'm going to show you what the best YouTube tags are for Beauty Gurus. This page right here is the list of the best YouTube tags for beauty gurus. This list was scraped and tested fairly recently meaning that all of these keyword phrases here, related to Beauty Gurus on, get searches and have very little competition.

00:26 You can easily find out for yourself more keyword phrases and tags for YouTube related to Beauty Guru, all you do is go to YouTube and you enter in a starting keyword phrase, like let's say we just do Beauty Guru. At the very beginning of the keyword phrase put in a space and then type each letter of the alphabet and as you do so you're going to see drop down suggestions like you're seeing here in this video.

00:53 What these keyword phrases related to Beauty Guru that YouTube is showing you, YouTube is predicting what it is that you are going to type and what you are looking for on YouTube and the reason YouTube is able to predict what you're looking for is because other people who is typed in the letter G followed by Beauty Guru have typed these keyword phrases being displayed in the drop down list.

01:13 In other words the fact that these tags are in the YouTube auto suggest or auto complete is proof that these keyword phrases are getting searches so it will be worth your while to create YouTube videos targeted around each of these tag suggestions.

01:21 The main thing that you are concerned with now or should be concerned with now is a method to scrape these keyword phrases as well as test them to see how much or how little competition that they have which is what we did to create this list of the best tags for YouTube for Beauty Gurus. There are several different software programs you can use to do this.

01:42 For scraping and saving keyword phrases from YouTube you can use YouTube AutoComplete Keyword Scraper which does exactly what I just showed you in YouTube however the software program goes through the effort of typing all the letters of the alphabet for you and as it types in the letters of the alphabet it scrapes and save all the keyword phrases as it goes.

02:02 Viral YouTube Soft is actually 4 YouTube SEO software programs in one that help you FIND YouTube keywords, CHECK THE COMPETITION of each of the keyword phrases, VIEW AND REVERSE ENGINEER the competition and CREATE SEO Rich Descriptions for your YouTube video uploads. Viral YouTube Soft is one of our most popular software programs.

02:21 Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker can scrape keyword phrases related to Beauty Guru or any other topic you wish but more importantly, it tests each the keyword phrases to let you find the keyword phrases or tags for YouTube (related to Beauty Gurus or any other topic you wish) that have the least amount of competition meaning, least number of other web pages and videos on the internet optimized for each of the keyword phrases so you'll know which YouTube tags to use related to Beauty Gurus to make videos around and they are probably going to show up on the first page of Google and the first page of YouTube search results and you'll get a lot of traffic and eye balls on your videos which is your goal.


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